Schedule meetings and keep track of items with Agenda and Minutes Wizards.

Schedule a meeting, send notifications, publish the agenda and meeting materials when ready.
Confirm attendance and add the key discussion points after the meeting and publish the minutes.


Regular meetings

  • The Agenda Wizard provides peace of mind when you schedule a new meeting.

  • Agenda items automatically flow into the Minutes Wizard after the meeting.

  • Agenda and minutes items are fully indexed and searchable.

  • Parked or deferred items are saved and can be added to future agendas again.

  • Members can edit (update) their assigned agenda items before the meeting.

  • Agenda items requested by members can simply be dragged onto any agenda.

  • A new agenda can quickly be created from a template.

  • Members can make private notes and add comments to agendas and minutes.

  • Final agenda and minutes PDFs are created automatically for your records.