Good practice library

Information and ideas for boards and committees

Policy template

Name of policy: Code of Conduct Policy
Issued by:: Human Resources
Authorized by: Executive Team
Category: Occupational Health and Safety
Effective date: Insert date policy was approved
Revision date: Insert date policy was/needs to be reviewed (preferably every 2 years)

Value statement (optional)

The XXX organization values a culture of respect and integrity and ...>


Describe why this policy is being created (i.e. legislative requirement, employee safety etc.)

This policy will ensure that....


Who will the policy apply to and in what circumstances.

This policy applies to all staff, volunteers, students etc...

Policy statement

Describe what is expected, mandatory, required etc...

When working at XXX organization, staff, volunteers, students will....


Define key terms contained in the policy.

  • Term 1: ...
  • Term 2: ...


Outline necessary steps of how you will achieve the objectives of the policy; identify who will be responsible for those steps and who monitors compliance with the policy statement.

  1. Step 1: ...
  2. Step 2: ...


Describe how compliance with the policy will be monitored and enforced.

Related policies

List any related policies.


List any references used in the creation of the policy.


This policy has been approved by [Name], [Title], on [Date]