Good practice library

Information and ideas for boards and committees

Policies & procedures

Because for many committees, creating policies and procedures is the only reason of their existence, we thought it was important to dedicate an entire section of our good practice library to the development of policies and procedures.

This section is far from complete and we will add more content as we go but at least it's a start! There are not many places on the Internet that contain free and practical information on policy and procedure development. Please don't hesitate to send us your best practice tips, articles or links to useful information.

What is a policy?

There are many definitions of 'policy' but in general terms we might define a policy as:

"a principle of action that guides the decision-making and activities of the organization"
Or similar:
"a policy is a documented set of principles and guidelines enforced by the organization and usually with regard to a specific subject area."

What is a procedure

A procedure is a certain way of doing something. It is usually developed as a series of steps to be followed to achieve an end result.

Policies & procedures manual

In very simple terms a policy defines 'what' you will do while a procedure describes 'how' you will do it.

A policies and procedures manual is a comprehensive document that outlines the guidelines, rules, and procedures for an organization. It serves as a central resource for employees to understand how the organization operates and what is expected of them.

This manual is a very effective management tool and considered by some as a strategic link between the organizations vision and its day to day operations.

Creating this manual or parts of this manual is a decision making process and is the unique role of many existing committees.

More about policies & procedures

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