15 tips for chairing committees effectively
- Always lead by example
- Carefully plan your agenda; think of an agenda as a roadmap that will ensure your meeting serves its purpose
- Know where you are going; review the meeting objectives and desired outcomes in your opening remarks
- Make sure everyone participates in the discussion
- Anyone who voices a problem must also offer a potential solution
- Ensure that committee members take ownership in desired outcomes by inviting them to do something to support the goals of the committee
- Delegate but have realistic expectations of the amount of work that should be asked from each members given their respective responsibilities
- Provide an agenda at least 4 days prior to the meeting date
- Indicate business items to be discussed versus decided upon (discussion items vs. decision items)
- Summarize the key takeaways at the end of the meeting and assign tasks with clear deadlines
- Circulate minutes no later than 10 days following the meeting
- Chairs can also send a quick “to do list” summary the day after the meeting by email
- Evaluate your committee regularly by performing a self-evaluation
- Say thank you often and celebrate successes
- Have fun, don’t take yourself too seriously